PowerMEMS 2018

WelcomeGeneral InfoProgramAuthors / AbstractsPowerMEMS SchoolSponsors / ExhibitsAttendeesVenue / LocationContact

Authors / Abstracts

Abstract Classification

Poster Instructions

Oral Guidelines

Journal Submission

The Technical Program consists of three (3) plenary speaker presentations, two (2) parallel sessions of contributed oral presentations, and two (2) poster sessions.

Oral Sessions
Oral talks are limited to 20 minutes total time - 15 minute presentations with an additional 5 minutes allowed for questions and answers. Parallel oral presentations will be held in Crystal/Tomoka Room and Flagler Room.

Poster Sessions
Posters will be held in the St. John's/Halifax Room. All posters are to be set-up on Tuesday, December 4th 17:00 - 19:00, and remain up until 10:30 on Thursday, December 7th. This will give additional time for attendees to view posters during breaks and before sessions. On your assigned time, please plan to be at your poster for questions and discussion.

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