A Hilton Head Island Sunset
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General Information
Organizing Committee

Scope of the Workshop

The eleventh in the series of Hilton Head Workshops on the science and technology of solid-state sensors, actuators, and microsystems will be held on June 6-10, 2004. The Workshop provides a highly interactive forum for North and South American researchers to present and discuss recent advances in microfabrication technologies for sensing and actuation devices and microsystems for physical, chemical, and biological applications. Topics include: new sensor, actuator, and microsystems concepts, device and process modeling/design, device fabrication including all aspects of microfabrication, materials and methods of processing, circuits for sensors and actuators, system applications and issues including data analysis, and packaging technologies for interfacing sensors and actuators to the application environment.

Workshop Environment

The Workshop will be held at the Crowne Plaza Resort on Hilton Head Island, SC. It will be a single-session meeting, with ample time allotted for discussion of each paper, and with blocks of unscheduled time to encourage informal interactions among participants. There will be ten oral sessions and a contributed poster session. Manuscripts of papers presented in these sessions will be included in the Workshop Technical Digest. There will also be late-news and open poster sessions to encourage participants to discuss informally very recent results, work in progress, and results recently presented elsewhere. Late-news and open posters will not be included in the Technical Digest. Please see late-news and open posters on this website for further information.

Applying to Attend

Attendance will be limited to 450 participants, with preference given to authors. Prospective participants, INCLUDING AUTHORS, should complete an application on this website.

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