MMB 2018 - March 26-28 - Monterey, California

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General Info

Conference Officials

Previous Conferences

Conference Co-Chairs:
Dan Huh, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Allen Liu, University of Michigan, USA

Steering Committee:
David Beebe, University of Wisconsin, USA
Jan Eijkel, Twente University, NETHERLANDS
Olivier Guenat, University of Berne, ARTORG Center, SWITZERLAND
Noo Li Jeon, Seoul National University, SOUTH KOREA
Robert Keynton, University of Louisville, USA
Dong-Pyo Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), SOUTH KOREA
Sylvain Martel, École Polytechnique de Montréal, CANADA
Ellis Meng, University of Southern California, USA
Dan Nicolau, McGill University, CANADA
Yves-Alain Peter, École Polytechnique de Montréal, CANADA
Shu Takayama, Georgia Institute of Technology

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